Sound News
Sound News is written by Stefanie Williams, you can also find this published in the Fort Madison Daily Democrat and in the Keokuk Daily Gate City.
May 2019 Sound News
May is Better Hearing Month! Along with warmer weather, spring and summer can bring exposure to loud noises like lawnmowers and power tools which can damage your hearing. At Concha Audiology, we encourage you to take care of your hearing health by wearing ear protection when exposed to loud noise. Give our office a call to find out more about our custom hearing protection or to schedule a free hearing evaluation. For more tips on better hearing throughout the month of May, be sure to check out our website or like us on Facebook.
April 2019 Sound News
At Concha Audiology, it’s been really exciting to be the first in the area to fit Phonak’s new Marvel hearing aids. We love these hearing aids and the results our patients are getting, but we aren’t the only ones who think they’re incredible. The Marvels were chosen as one of the 2019 Edison Awards finalists. Not only are they the first hearing aids to have universal Bluetooth connectivity, their clear, rich sound is perfect for streaming music and video. Phonak Marvel hearing aids truly are an award-worthy device. You can see why for yourself by calling to schedule a free hearing aid evaluation today!
March 2019 Sound News
Spring is finally just around the corner! What better time than now to improve your hearing? Wouldn’t it be great to hear the birds chirp, the spring rain, or the laughter of your grandchildren as they play at the park? How about listening to an audiobook or music through your hearing aids as you take your morning walk? New hearing aid technology is incredible, and you can try it out risk-free at Concha Audiology! If you think you might have a hearing loss that is preventing you from hearing these wonderful sounds, give us a call today.